Bloomsbury Pakistan partnered with Oxford University Press (OUP) Pakistan in bringing Karachi Literature Festival (KLF) to London as part of the Alchemy Festival Southbank Centre 2017, which is the largest festival of South Asian art and literature in Britain. KLF London Programme

The members of Bloomsbury Pakistan have been facilitating collaborations between academic institutions in Britain and Pakistan. One of such initiatives resulted in Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between SOAS, University of London and South Asia Research and Resource Centre (SARRC), Islamabad.

Several members of Bloomsbury Pakistan have been Higher Education Commission (HEC) Pakistan scholars in the United Kingdom. We have been regularly corresponding with the HEC to raise problems faced by the scholars and the policy of awarding scholarship. We wrote a collective letter to the HEC signed by twenty-seven academics, working on Pakistan, to raise the issue of ranking of universities used by the HEC to award scholarships and to include SOAS in the list of universities for the HEC scholarships.

The freedom of speech and democratic freedom are pre-requisites for the academic and public discourse. Therefore, Bloomsbury Pakistan supports the democratic process. In the past, especially in 2007, members of the group campaigned for the restoration of the democratic process which was then suspended in Pakistan.

The members of Bloomsbury Pakistan actively contributed for the protection of human rights in Pakistan. We have collaborated with the leading human rights organisations and activists working in Pakistan such as the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP).
Indigenising the Polio Vaccination in Pakistan. Bloomsbury Pakistan members have been consulting with the leading organisations working on the eradication of polio in Pakistan. More details.

The Bloomsbury Pakistan members have been involved with campaigns to promote religious freedom in Pakistan, which is a requisite for the free public discourse. We have used the intellectual and social capital of academic institutions to further such causes. We wrote a collective letter to the Prime Minister of Pakistan signed by Sikh academics for the restoration of a Gurudwara.