Book Prize Guideline
Book Prize 2024
Book Prize 2022
Bloomsbury Pakistan is pleased to announce that its biennial book prize is open for nominations. The prize, of £1000, will be awarded to the most outstanding academic book published in English in the years 2023 and 2024 on a topic or theme connected to the history / politics / society / economy / culture either of Pakistan within its present borders or of the communities of South Asia where the work is broadly relevant to Pakistan. The successful book will have made an original contribution to scholarly understanding of the lives and experiences of the people of Pakistan or South Asia.
The selection of the winning entry will be made by the Bloomsbury Pakistan Board of Trustees on the recommendation of a selection committee. Nominations can be made by the authors themselves, by their publishers or by any other individual of academic standing. A summary of the book of between 300-500 words highlighting its contribution must be submitted with the nomination, together with a brief bio of the author. Nominations of the books published in 2022-23 must be received by 31 January 2024 and should be sent to Dr Maria Rashid <>. Once the nomination has been accepted, the nominating body will be requested to send hard copies of the book and/or an electronic link directly to the selection committee members latest by 1st March 2024. The selection committee will in the first instance prepare a short list and those authors whose books have been included will be notified. The short list will also be published on the Bloomsbury Pakistan website.
The selection of the prize winner will be completed by 14th August 2024. Questions on scope and procedure should be sent to the same email address as above. Please note the following:
- Date of publication to be as stated by the publisher
- Edited volumes are not eligible, but jointly authored books can be considered. In case of doubt, the selection committee’s decision will be final.
Bloomsbury Pakistan, a registered charity, is a research and resource centre based in London. It facilitates academic research on Pakistan through the publication of book reviews, discussion reports, and other material for scholars and those with a serious interest in the issues facing the country. In existence since 2000, initially at Oxford, it has a strong reputation for the quality of its work. It brings together scholars based in the UK, in Pakistan and in other parts of the world and is now one of the largest such networks.
© Bloomsbury Pakistan 2024