Chair - Dr David Taylor

Chair - Dr David Taylor

Dr David Taylor is a former Pro-Director SOAS. His research interest focuses on the recent history and politics of South Asia; development of the party political system, beginning with the elections of 1937; Hindu nationalism in India and on the political history of Pakistan; the role of the mass media in the political process.

Dr Farid Panjwani

Dr Farid Panjwani

Associate Professor, UCL – IOE
Director, Centre for Research and Evaluation in Muslim Education
He works in four areas: interfaces between religion, citizenship and education; role of imagination in education; teaching about Islam in schools; and contemporary Muslim thought.

Prof Stephen Lyon

Prof Stephen Lyon

Professor of Anthropology, Aga Khan University London
Convenor annual Pakistan Workshop 

Dr Nichola Khan

Dr Nichola Khan

Professor in Human Geograph, School of GeoSciences
University of Edinburgh

Dr Tariq Suleman

Dr Tariq Suleman

Dr Farooq Bajwa

Dr Farooq Bajwa

Author of the books on the history of Pakistan’s foreign policy, India Pakistan 1965 War and the Pakistan Studies textbook for GCSE

Dr Najam Abbas

Dr Najam Abbas

His research focuses on Central and South Asia
Dr Najam Abbas’s homepage

Nadir Cheema

Nadir Cheema

Teaching Economics at SOAS, University of London
He specialises in economics and socio-political issues of Pakistan.

Dr Ayaz Qureshi

Dr Ayaz Qureshi

Lecturer in Medical Anthropology at the University of Edinburgh. Homepage

Zulfiqar Khimani

Zulfiqar Khimani

PhD Scholar in Sociology of Religion at the University of Cambridge
Focuses on the construction of transnational religious authority


Dr Kaveri Qureshi, University of Edinburgh
Lecturer, Global Health Policy Unit, Department of Social Policy

Dr Umair Javed, LUMS
Assistant Professor, School of Humanities and Social Sciences
PhD thesis at LSE: Profit, Power, and Patronage: Bazaar Politics in Urban Pakistan

Dr Sameen Mohsin, LUMS
Assistant Professor, School of Humanities and Social Sciences
PhD thesis at SOAS: Staffing the State: The Politicisation of Bureaucratic Appointments in Pakistan.

Dr Tayyab Safdar, University of Cambridge
Post-doctoral research looks at CPEC
PhD thesis at Cambridge: Impact of globalisation on agro-industrial value chains in developing countries, focusing on sugarcane value chain in Punjab, Pakistan

Dr Salman Rafi, LUMS
PhD thesis at SOAS: Intra-Ethnic Fragmentation and the Politics of De-centralising Constitutional Change in Pakistan: A Comparative Study

Dr Fatima Burney, University of California MERCED
Assistant Professor, Department of English: Language and Literature
Post-doctoral research at SOAS
PhD thesis at UCLA: Compares Anglophone and Urdu literary romantic movements in the eighteenth and nineteenth century, particularly in their reception and representation of ghazal poetry.

Dr Najia Mukhtar
PhD thesis at SOAS: Approaching Religious Difference Differently: Counter-dominant Actors in Contemporary Pakistan